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General Information

ITB Language Centre offers courses for ITB students and staff, as well as for groups outside of ITB. ITB language Centre specialises in Pre-departure courses, TOEFL Preparation Courses, and Courses in English for Specific Purposes especially in science and technology.
The Language Centre also runs courses of Bahasa Indonesia for expatriates, Japanese for ITB staff, and French in collaboration with CCF.

Courses of other languages can be conducted on request.
Teacher training workshops at the Language Centre ensure that staff are familiar with, and practiced in, modern language teaching methodologies. ITB Language Centre also provides consultancy in establishing a Language Centre, particularly that concerning ELT Management.


Resource Center for Self Study 
* wide range selection of books, magazines and journals in English
* computers connected to the Internet
* video and audio equipment and mini Language Lab
Language Laboratory 
* the high-tech language laboratory with 64 audio/video booths and  60 audio booths

*  comfortable classrooms with audio and video


ITB Language Centre
Gedung Labtek VIII Lt 1,
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, INDONESIA, 
Tlp./Fax. 62-22-2505674. 


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