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John's Word Search Puzzles John Potter's collection of printable word search puzzles. Super resource!
Anagram Insanity An anagram is a word or phrase made by scrambling the letters in another word or phrase, and here is a place that does it for you automatically. Very cool!
The Palindrome Home Page So, what's a palindrome? A palindrome is a word or sentence that reads the same forward as it does backward, and this is a home page devoted exclusively to palindromes.
Animal Guessing Game The computer tries to guess. Lots of fun!
Searching for China: A WebQuest An amazing project from Pacific Bell. Students work together to create a spe-cial report, while at the same time try-ing to make sense out of a complex country called China.
Children's Online Games Dozens of excellent links to online games.
Susie's Place Three unusual word games: crambo, doggerel, and stinky pinky.
Cobuild Definitions Game Click on a button to get a randomly selected definition from the Cobuild Dictionary. Afterward, students can try to guess the word being defined. Lots of fun!
Syndicate.com Entertaining collection of puzzles, comic strips, word games, and more.
Crosswords & Other Word Games Several good links from Syndicate.com.
Vocabulary.com Fun collection vocabulary puzzles for all levels.
Fake out! Choose a word and guess its definition. Grades include K~-2, 3-5, and 6 and above. Kids can also write their own fake definitions.
Wacky Web Tales Good selection and lots of fun; stu-dents can create their own stories by filling in the blanks to The Mummy, The Camping Trip, and The Box.
Inigo Gets Out Leslie Opp-Beckman's paper on mouse practice for ESL/EFL students; uses Amanda Goodenough's Inigo Gets Out.
Where's That From? Interactive game for guessing the ori-gins of English words.
Interactive Games Links to interactive games found on the Web. Includes TicTacToe, Hangman, Othello, and even Blackjack. Highly addictive!
Wordland Students can play interactive word games with other players from around the world.
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