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Adverb Order How to extend simple sentences by adding adverbials; where to put them and in what order.
ESL Grammar Notes: Articles Explanations and rules on using articles.
The Grammar Lady Help and advice from grammar expert Dr. Mary Newton Bruder.
The Collective Noun Page Alphabetical listing of collective nouns. Amazing collection!
ESL Grammar Notes: Countable and Non-Countable Nouns Explanations and rules on using count-able and non-countable nouns.
Irregular Verbs in English A study list of irregular verbs from Linda Cooper.
Common Errors in English Professor Paul Brians' page on the most common usage and spelling mis-takes in English.
ESL Grammar Notes: Verb Tenses Explanations and rules on verb tenses.
LinguaCenter's Grammar Safari A great place for students to gather real grammar examples found on the World Wide Web. Highly recommended!
An Elementary Grammar Entire grammar book online.
ESL Help Center Twenty-four-hour help for ESL/EFL students from an international team of ESL/EFL teachers. Don't miss it!
On-line English Grammar Magnificent resource by Anthony Hughes. Don't miss it!
Elements of Style, by William Strunk Online version of this classic text from 1918.
Gender-free Pronoun FAQ A general information source about gender- free alternatives to ~gendered pronouns, written by John Chao.
The Present Perfect The present perfect simple and contin-uous tenses.
Eleven Rules of Grammar Rules for avoiding some of the most common grammatical errors, created by Robert Giaquinta.
Grammar and Style Notes Jack Lynch's grammar and style guide.
Sentence Structure: Simple Sentences The parts of a simple sentence and how to put them together.
English Grammar Links for ESL Students Good selection of links from Karen M. Hartman of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Grammar Help Hints, rules, and exercises on English grammar from Ruth Vilmi. Highly recommended!
Teaching Grammar Colin Mahoney's excellent article on how to teach grammar to ESL/EFL students.
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