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Applied Linguistics Virtual Library Outstanding resource from famed lin-guist Larry Selinker.
Constructed Human Languages Links and information on man-made human languages.
Ethnologue Database Information on some 6,700 languages spoken in the world, including alter-nate names, number of speakers, loca-tion, dialects, linguistic affiliation, and other sociolinguistic and demographic data. Highly recommended!
Human Language Page A comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources, including online language lessons, translating dictionaries, programs to help you study a language, and more.
A Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar for English Grammar buffs will love this site. Brought to you by the University of Pennsylvania's Institute for Research in Cognitive Science.
Linguistics Resources on the Internet A searchable database of everything related to linguistics on the Net.
On-line Phonology Course A complete online phonology course (with sound too!) from Stirling University.
Speech on the Web Numerous links related to phonetics and speech sciences.
TPR: Total Physical Response Dr. James J. Asher's TPR home page.
Universal Survey of Languages A "general survey of the world's lan-guages suitable for the linguistic begin-ner and expert alike."
Web of On-line Grammar A mind-boggling collection of gram-mar links to dozens of languages. Don't miss it!
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