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ESL Graffiti WallESL Graffiti Wall Students and teachers can add graffiti" to a virtual wall.
Five Tools for Writing Timed Essays Jeff Hook's tips on writing an academic essay.
On-Line Resources for Writers A list of online resources recommended by the English faculty of Capital Comm-unity-Technical College in Hartford.
Pizzaz! Pizzaz! created by Leslie Opp-Beckman, is dedicated to providing creative writing activities and copyable (yes, copyable!) handouts for use in the classroom. Highly recommended!
PunctuationPunctuation Great place to learn about commas, colons, and dashes.
Purdue University On-line Writing Lab Brought to you by the Purdue University Writing Lab, this is probably one of the very best writing resources available on the Web. Highly recom-mended!
Writer's Web A must for anyone who writes. Sections include Generating Ideas, Drafting and Organizing Papers, Focusing and Connecting Ideas, Creating and Supporting an Argument, Editing a Draft, Punctuation, Sentence Structure and Mechanics, Editing for Clarity and Style, Documentation, and Using Sources Effectively. Highly recommended!
WritingDEN For students Grades 6 through 12 seek-ing to improve their English reading, comprehension, and writing skills.
Writing Help And another excellent resource from Ruth Vilmi.
Writing Resources on the Web Some really good writing links for ESL students.
Brain Bait Useful collection of creative writing ideas.
DeVry's Online Writing Support Center A page devoted to helping people understand how the Internet can enrich their writing.
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